Get started!
Academic curriculum

You can now combine your studies with being an entrepreneur!

The VentureLab supports students and young graduates from the Liège-Luxembourg
academic hub who want to become entrepreneurs. The VentureLab is open to under
30s from all higher education institutions.
Since 2014
young people have been supported by the
of them were still students

Two worlds make for many benefits

Learn to wear many hats

No need to sacrifice or put anything on pause! In 2022, 75% of the young entrepreneurs supported by the incubator passed their academic year. The VentureLab seeks to help them develop professional maturity while staying focused
on their studies.

Practice your skills

At the VentureLab, students use the skills they acquired during their studies and acquire new ones through a practical and professional project.

Create your own future job

The labour market is constantly getting more complex and competition is sometimes fierce. Thanks to the VentureLab, students have the opportunity to discover the challenges of the professional world and take control of their future by creating their own job.

Develop your professional network

The members of the VentureLab community work in many different fields, come from various backgrounds, each one with their own goals. Our coaches, experts, partner companies and alumni are always ready to listen to student entrepreneurs and there are plenty of opportunities to grow your professional network.

Aménager son cursus estudiantin

Le statut étudiant-Entrepreneur

Soucieuses de développer l'esprit d'entreprendre chez les jeunes, l'Université de Liège et les Hautes Écoles de la province de Liège ont créé le statut "Etudiant-Entrepreneur" afin de donner aux étudiants la possibilité de concilier plus facilement cursus académique et création d'entreprise.
Découvrir le statut

Réaliser son stage dans sa start-up

Certaines écoles ou Universités permettent de réaliser son stage académique au sein de sa propre start-up, et ce, au sein du VentureLab. Mais pas à n’importe quelles conditions !
Plus d'informations sur le stage

Vous êtes professeur ?

Le VentureLab vous propose un kit de communication à destination de vos étudiants mais aussi une multitude d’outils disponibles en open-source afin de développer son projet entrepreneurial.
Télécharger le kit de communicationDécouvrir tous les outils
Vous souhaitez faire découvrir l'entrepreneuriat à vos étudiants par un témoignage dans le cadre d’un cours, d’une conférence ou d’un salon ? Bonne nouvelle : le VentureLab se déplace jusqu'à vous toute l'année ! Ensemble, nous conviendrons ensemble d’une activité adaptée à vos besoins !
Merci ! Votre demande a bien été envoyée.
Oups ! Il y a eu un petit souci. Réessayez d'envoyer le formulaire svp.

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